Work-life balance, what’s the secret?

Work-life balance, it’s something we all aim to achieve for ourselves. Finding that perfect blend of career development and ensuring we pay enough time and attention to our personal lives. It’s easy to give in to the temptation of checking our emails whilst relaxing at home or finishing up some administration that you just didn’t have time to do last thing on a Friday. However, it is important that our work life doesn’t encroach on the time set out to focus on ourselves.

Almost half of UK workers (47%) spend the majority of their time feeling overwhelmed by their workloads, while 85% say that work is causing them stress, according to research from employee experience company Qualtrics. The Qualtrics Employee Pulse – a quarterly survey of more than 4,000 employees – highlights the impact of burgeoning workloads on today’s workforce and reveals better support from businesses is needed to ensure the mental wellbeing of staff.

So how do we achieve the perfect balance of both?

  1. Prioritise your work tasks – ensure tasks that will be on your mind over the weekend are completed first and that any other tasks you may not have time to do, can wait until you are back in.
  2. Structure time at work – create a “to-do” list each evening for the next day and cross each task off as you go.
  3. Take breaks during the day – it’s really easy to sit and eat lunch at your desk, however it’s proven that short spells away from your work station throughout the day, can really revitalise your mind.
  4. Make the most of annual leave – take the holiday, even if you aren’t planning an exotic trip! A day of doing the things you love outside of work can make the world of difference.
  5. Finally, leveraging technology to work smarter – Use technology to work smarter and increase productivity.

Some employers are trialling a 4-day week to monitor productivity, absenteeism and many employers taking a vested interest in their employee’s wellbeing (this is early days but it will be interesting to see the results at the end of 2019).

One thing is for sure stepping away from your desk, taking all of your allocated annual leave and mirror the focus you place on your career development into your own personal objectives will have an overall positive impact on your wellbeing.

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